


  1. silmien siristys

  2. karsastus



  1. epäsuora, kierto-, epäluulo-, viistoon, kieroon, karsastava, kierosilmäinen, sirrillään oleva, sirrillään, syrjä-, katse, katsominen, siristäminen, silmien siristely, silmien siristys, epänormaalius, luonnottomuus, sisäänkarsastus, esotropia, strabismus convergens, karsastus, strabismi.

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katsoa kieroon

silmien siristys, siristäminen


karsastus puhekieltä To look with the eyes partly closed, as in bright sunlight, or as a threatening expression.


(RQ:Chmbrs YngrSt)
“A tight little craft,” was Austin’s invariable comment on the matron;(nb..). ¶ Near her wandered her husband, orientally bland, invariably affable, and from time to time squinting sideways, as usual, in the ever-renewed expectation that he might catch a glimpse of his stiff, retroussé moustache.
puhekieltä To look or glance sideways.
puhekieltä To look with, or have eyes that are turned in different directions; to suffer from strabismus.
puhekieltä To have an indirect bearing, reference, or implication; to have an allusion to, or inclination towards, something.
The Forum
Yet if the following sentence means anything, it is a squinting toward hypnotism.
puhekieltä To be not quite straight, off-centred; to deviate from a true line; to run obliquely.
puhekieltä To turn to an oblique position; to direct obliquely.
An expression in which the eyes are partly closed.
The look of eyes which are turned in different directions, as in strabismus.

He looks handsome although hes got a slight squint.''

(senseid)A quick or sideways glance.
A short look.
(RQ:Joyce Ulysse), Episode 12, The Cyclops
--And here she is, says Alf, that was giggling over the Police Gazette with Terry on the counter, in all her warpaint.
--Give us a squint at her, says I.
A hagioscope.
puhekieltä The angle by which the transmission signal is offset from the normal of a phased array antenna.
puhekieltä askew, not level


squint rimmaa näiden kanssa:

croissant, management, understatement, establishment, vol-au-vent

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