

  1. suoritus, tulos, saavutus, teko, täpärä paikka, läheltä piti -tilanne, vähältä piti, täpärä pelastuminen, hiuskarvan varassa, ääni, narske, nitinä, kitistä, vingahtaa, kirskua, vinkua, kirahdella, kirskahtaa, natista, pitää ääntä, kajauttaa, metelöidä.

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vähältä piti

narske, nitinä

vingahtaa A short, high-pitched sound, as of two objects rubbing together, or the calls of small animals.
puhekieltä A card game similar to group solitaire.
puhekieltä A narrow squeak.
1905, E. W. Hornung, A Thief in the Night

"I had the very devil of a squeak for it," he went on. "I did the hurdles over two or three garden-walls, but so did the flyer who was on my tracks, and he drove me back into the straight and down to High Street like any lamplighter. (..)
puhekieltä To emit a short, high-pitched sound.
(quote-journal) (Property)|date=17 August 2014|passage=But I must warn you that chipboard floors are always likely to squeak. The material is still being used in new-builds, but developers now use adhesive to bed and joint it, rather than screws or nails. I suspect the adhesive will eventually embrittle and crack, resulting in the same squeaking problems as before.
puhekieltä To inform, to squeal.
If he be obstinate, put a civil question to him upon the rack, and he squeaks, I warrant him.
puhekieltä To speak or sound in a high-pitched manner.
puhekieltä To empty the pile of 13 cards a player deals to themself in the card game of the same name.
puhekieltä To win or progress by a narrow margin.
1999, Surfer (volume 40, issues 7-12)
(..) allowing Parkinson to squeak into the final by a half-point margin.


squeak rimmaa näiden kanssa:

tie-break, teak

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