


  1. vallattu maa tai rakennus, talonvaltaus

  2. kyykkyasento polvet taivutettuna, kyykky

  3. voimailu kyykky, jalkakyykky

Liittyvät sanat: squatter



  1. jalkaharjoitus, jalkakyykky, istuutua, kyykkiä, kyykistyä, olla, olla matala, painua.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä



painua, olla matala

kyykkiä, kyykistyä

jalkakyykky Relatively short or low, and thick or broad.
(quote-book) So called from ſome ſimilitude to the Squill-fiſh: chiefly, in having a long Body cover'd with a Cruſt compoſed of ſeveral Rings or Plates. The Head is broad and ſquat. He hath a pair of notable ſharp Fangs before, both hooked inward like a Bulls horns.
(quote-book)|title=w:Men and Women (poetry collection)|Men and Women|location=London|publisher=(w)|year=1855|oclc=1561924|section=stanza XXXI|passage=What in the midst lay but the Tower itself? / The round squat turret, blind as the fool's heart, / Built of round stone, without a counterpart / In the whole world. (..)
(quote-journal)|magazine=(w)|location=New York, N.Y.|publisher=(w)|month=March|year=1927|year_published=September 1927|issn=0002-6891|passage=On the gentle slopes there are farms, ancient and rocky, with squat, moss-coated cottages brooding eternally over old New England secrets in the lee of great ledges (..)
sitVerb Sitting on the hams or heels; sitting close to the ground; cowerVerb cowering; crouchVerb crouching.
1667, (w), w:Paradise Lost|Paradise Lost. A Poem Written in Ten books by John Milton. Licensed and Entred According to Order, London: Printed by (w), and are to be sold by Peter Parker under Creed Church neer (w); and by Robert Boulter at the Turks Head in w:Bishopsgate Bishopsgate-street; and Matthias Walker, under w:St Dunstan-in-the-West|St. Dunstons Church in w:Fleet Street|Fleet-street, (w) http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/767532218 767532218, book IV; republished as (w), editor, Paradise Lost. A Poem, in Twelve Books, 2nd edition, volume I, London: Printed for w:Jacob Tonson|J. and R. Tonson et al., 1750, (w) http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/642605710 642605710, https://books.google.com/books?id=lQ0TAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA324 page 324, lines 799–803:

Him there they found, / Squat like a toad, cloſe at the ear of Eve, / Aſſaying by his deviliſh art to reach / The organs of her fancy', and with them forge / Illuſions as he liſt, phantaſms and dreams, (..)
A position assumed by bending deeply at the knees while resting on one's feet.
puhekieltä A specific exercise in weightlifting performed by bending deeply at the knees and then rising, especially with a barbell resting across the shoulders.
A building occupied without permission, as practiced by a squatter.
A toilet used by squatting as opposed to sitting; a (w).
puhekieltä Something of no value; nothing.


(quote-journal)‎|location=New York, N.Y.|publisher=w:American Media (publisher)|American Media|date=6 May 2003|volume=24|issue=34|page=23|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=o_IDAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA23|issn=0199-574X|passage=We didn't ask for rent, but we assumed they'd help around the house. But they don't do squat.
puhekieltä A sudden or crushing fall.


puhekieltä A small vein of ore.
A mineral consisting of tin ore and spar.
To bend deeply at the knees while resting on one's feet.
(quote-book)|location=Edinburgh; London|publisher=(w)|year=1901|oclc=156678278|passage=He was not going to squat henlike on his place as the cockies around him did.
puhekieltä To exercise by bending deeply at the knees and then rise rising, while bearing weight across the shoulders or upper back.
(quote-book) The front squat allows you almost no alternative but to perform the exercise correctly.
To occupy or reside in a place without the permission of the owner.
(quote-book)|year=1890|oclc=753988680|passage=Huddled together in loathsome files, they squat there over night, or until an inquisitive policeman breaks up the congregation with his club, which in Mulberry Street has always free swing.
To sit close to the ground; to cower; to stoop, or lie close, to escape observation, as a partridge or rabbit.
puhekieltä To bruise or flatten by a fall; to squash.
The angel shark (genus Squatina).
English Squat (building occupied without permission, as practiced by a squatter).
uninvited Uninvited presence in a building or place (the result of which can be welcomed).
squat effect|Squat effect
puhekieltä (l)


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