
Tarkoititko: spurtata

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englanti puhekieltä To break (the point of a pencil etc)
puhekieltä To trim (a beard etc)
puhekieltä To tick off (names in a register)
puhekieltä To sprout
puhekieltä To rise (of the sun etc)
puhekieltä To dawn
to fetch (a good price)
to grow (teeth)
to emerge, appear, come out, pop up, stick out, peep out.

Sto aspettando quando ad un tratto ti vedrò spuntare in lontananza — L'appuntamento, Ornella Vanoni

I am waiting that moment, when Ill see you suddenly appearing on the horizon.''

rise (of the sun etc)


spuntare rimmaa näiden kanssa:

pientare, pellonpientare

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