

  1. kannatinlaite, osa, pyörivä kara, kara, piikki, värttinä, paperipiikki, kehrä, akseli, sukkularihmasto, säie.

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värttinä, paperipiikki


sukkularihmasto puhekieltä A rod used for spinning and then winding natural fibres (especially wool), usually consisting of a shaft and a circular whorl positioned at either the upper or lower end of the shaft when suspended vertically from the forming thread.
A rod which turns, or on which something turns.

the spindle of a vane

(quote-magazine)|title=Opening Doors|volume=100|issue=2|page=112-3|magazine=(w)|url=|passage=A doorknob of whatever roundish shape is effectively a continuum of levers, with the axis of the latching mechanism—known as the spindle—being the fulcrum about which the turning takes place.
A rotary axis of a machine tool or power tool.
Certain of the species of the genus Euonymus, originally used for making the spindles used for spinning wool.
An upright spike for holding paper documents by skewer skewering.
The fusee of a watch.
A long and slender stalk resembling a spindle.
A yarn measure containing, in cotton yarn, 15,120 yards; in linen yarn, 14,400 yards.
puhekieltä A solid generated by the revolution of a curved line about its base or double ordinate or chord.
Any marine univalve shell of the subsection (taxlink) (formerly genus (taxlink)); a (vern).
Any marine gastropod of the genus (taxlink).
puhekieltä a dragonfly
To make into a long tapered shape.
To impale on a device for holding paper documents.

Do not fold, spindle or mutilate this document.


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