


  1. suvereeni, täysivaltainen

  2. laadultaan erikoinen

Esimerkkejä sovereign sanan käytöstä:

sovereign nation

sovereign remedy

Liittyvät sanat: sovereignty



  1. hallitseva, korkein, ylin, vapaa, autonominen, itsenäinen, itsehallinnollinen, suvereeni, kapetingi, hallitsija, kruunupää, monarkki, valtias.

Lisää synonyymejää



korkein, ylin


hallitsija, valtias Exercising power of rule.

sovereign nation

Exceptional in quality.
puhekieltä Extremely potent or effective (of a medicine, remedy etc.).
1590, (w), (w), III.v:
The soueraigne weede betwixt two marbles plaine / She pownded small, and did in peeces bruze, / And then atweene her lilly handes twaine, / Into his wound the iuyce thereof did scruze (..)
(rfdat) Dryden
a sovereign remedy
(rfdat) South
Such a sovereign influence has this passion upon the regulation of the lives and actions of men.
Having supreme, ultimate power.
Princely; royal.
c1610, (w), (w), V.i:
You pity not the state, nor the remembrance of his most sovereign name.
Predominant; greatest; utmost; paramount.
(rfdat) Hooker
We acknowledge him God our sovereign good.
A monarch; the ruler of a country.
No question is to be made but that the bed of the Mississippi belongs to the sovereign, that is, to the nation.
One who is not a subject to a ruler or nation.
A gold coin of the United Kingdom, with a nominal value of one pound sterling but in practice used as a bullion coin.
A very large champagne bottle with the capacity of about 25 liters, equivalent to 33⅓ standard bottles.
Any butterfly of the tribe (taxlink), or genus (taxlink), as the (vern) and the viceroy.
puhekieltä A large, garish ring; a (w).
2004, December 11, "Birkenhead, Merseyside" BBC Voices recording (0:06:52)
No, someone who wears loads of sovereigns as well loads of gold and has uh a curly perm and peroxide blonde hair, orange, orange sunbed skin and a fringe like this blow-dried to death, that’s a ‘scally’.


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