

  1. pitkästyttävä, pitkäveteinen, tylsä, narkoottinen, unelias, uninen, ruumiintoimintoja hidastava, unettava, uni-, nukuttava, unta aiheuttava, narkolepti, unilääke.

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unettava, uni-


unilääke Something induce inducing sleep, especially a drug.

The doctor prescribed a soporific to help the patient sleep.

puhekieltä Something boring or dull.
Tending to induce sleep.

The professor delivered a soporific lecture.

(RQ:Fielding Tom Jones)
For we are not here to understand, as perhaps some have, that an author actually falls asleep while he is writing. It is true, that readers are too apt to be so overtaken; (..)To say the truth, these soporific parts are so many scenes of serious artfully interwoven, in order to contrast and set off the rest;
1909, :w:Beatrix Potter|Beatrix Potter, :s:The Tale of The Flopsy Bunnies|The Tale of The Flopsy Bunnies:
It is said that the effect of eating too much lettuce is “soporific.” I have never felt sleepy after eating lettuces; but then I am not a rabbit. They certainly had a very soporific effect upon the Flopsy Bunnies!
puhekieltä boring Boring, dull.


soporific rimmaa näiden kanssa:

aerobic, chic, picnic, tic

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