


  1. suola

  2. suola, ruokasuola

Esimerkkejä sool sanan käytöstä:

Kloriidid, sulfaadid ja teised soolad. – Kloridit, sulfaatit ja muut suolat.

2 supilusikat soola – kaksi ruokalusikallista suolaa

jäme meresool – karkea merisuola

Liittyvät sanat: soolo, sooloalbumi, sooloartisti, sooloesitys, soolohyökkäys, sooloilija.


englanti puhekieltä To encourage to attack, especially a dog.

My neighbour sooled her bull mastiff onto my chihuahua, because she was sick of its yapping and wanted it to meet its demise.

1896, K. Langloh Parker, Australian Legendary Tales, Nutt, s:Australian Legendary Tales/Bougoodoogahdah the Rain Bird91|page 91:
She went quickly towards her camp, calling softly, "Birree gougou," which meant "Sool 'em, sool 'em," and was the signal for the dogs to come out.
1938, w:Xavier Herbert|Xavier Herbert, w:Capricornia (novel)|Capricornia, Chapter VIII, pp. 120-121,
So he had to satisfy his lust for homicide with passing on the urges of the Propagandists and sooling the able-bodied off to war and hounding pacifists and enemies into retirement.
puhekieltä intestine, bowel, gut


  • sooloilee: tehdä omin päin (vaikka toisin sovittu) : Sit kukaa ei ala sooloilee, oks ookoo?


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