


  1. unelmoida

  2. pohtia jhk, miettiä jtak

Esimerkkejä songer sanan käytöstä:

l’UE 'songe' à un système de troc pour éviter les sanctions (RFI)

: EU pohtii vaihtokauppajärjestelmää välttääkseen Iranille asettamat pakotteet.


englanti puhekieltä A singer (of songs); a songster
1902, Interstate Druggist - Volume 3:
If a man who plays at ping pong is a "ponger," Then a singer of a "singsong" is a "songer"; If the "songer" is a singer. Then the "ponger" is a "pinger," And the man who says it's wrong must be a "wronger."
1976, Katie Lee, Ten Thousand Goddam Cattle:
Will he sing it, I wonder?" "Chantoozie, I ain't much of a songer any more. I just done that because I was told it was a colorful trait.
2012, Susan St. Francis, A Tale of the Bug Fairies:
No sound of songers chirping or jumbies, foraging for nuts.
puhekieltä A person (a nonsinger) with a surprisingly good singing voice.
puhekieltä to dream
puhekieltä to think (about), consider (that)
puhekieltä to ponder, to imagine, to consider
puhekieltä to dream about
puhekieltä to be preoccupied by, with
to dream
(alternative form of)


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