

  1. puu, pehmeä puu, kuusipuutavara, mäntypuutavara, sahatavara, kuitupuu, massapuu, paperipuu.

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sahatavara, pehmeä puu puhekieltä The wood from any conifer (or from Ginkgo), without regarding how soft this wood is.

SYP is a softwood, but it is harder than many hardwoods.

puhekieltä (in more general use) As the preceding but limited to those that are commercial timbers.
puhekieltä The tree or tree species that yields the preceding

This softwood has been planted extensively throughout Scotland.

puhekieltä A joint term for the commercial timbers, without distinguishing which.

You should have used softwood for the frame of this shed, instead of overbuilding it like this.


softwood rimmaa näiden kanssa:

junk food, fast food, non-food

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