

  1. lämmin, lämpöinen

Esimerkkejä soe sanan käytöstä:

Ilm on soe. – Ilma on lämmin.

Liittyvät sanat: soeta.


englanti puhekieltä a large wooden vessel for carrying water, especially one to be carried on a pole between two people.
1662, w:Henry More|Henry More, s:An Antidote Against Atheism|An Antidote Against Atheism, Book II, A Collection of Several Philosophical Writings of Dr. Henry More, p. 55:
"... no more then a Pump grown dry will yield any water, unless you pour a little water into it first, and then for one Bason-ful you may fetch up so many Soe-fuls"
(obsolete form of)
Many of the lupus piscis I have seen, and have bin informed by the king's fishmonger they are taken on our coast, but was not satisfied for some reasons of his relation soe as to enter it into my Pinax (..)
(strong or thick) rope
puhekieltä stay


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oboe, koe, Papa-koe, HIV-koe, valintakoe, monivalintakoe, reaalikoe, kielikoe, tuulitunnelikoe, mallikoe

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