

  1. leikkaus, leikkuu, leikkaaminen, puraisu, nipistys, osa, palanen, murunen, liuska, hitunen, pätkä, keritä, leikata saksilla, leikata, latvoa, typistää, korjata, karsia, poistaa, lannoittaa, vesoa, tyvestää, oksia.

Lisää synonyymejää





palanen, hitunen

saksia To cut with short sharp actions, as with scissors.

I dont want you to take much hair off; just snip my mullet off.''

To reduce the price of a product, to create a snip.
To break off; to snatch away.
Daniel Defoe
The captain seldom ordered anything out of the ship's stores (..) but I snipped some of it for my own share.
puhekieltä To circumcise.
2001, David Cohen, The Fathers Book: Being a Good Dad in the 21st Century'', John WIley & Sons Ltd (2001), ISBN 0470841338, page 72:
Circumcised fathers face a special problem. Do you want your son's willy to be that radically different from your own? So, parents should perhaps not be put off. Be good to your son's future lovers and have him snipped.
2008, Ilene Schneider, Talk Dirty Yiddish: Beyond Drek: The Curses, Slang, and Street Lingo You Need to Know When You Speak Yiddish, Adams Media (2008), ISBN 9781598698565, page 150:
His children, however, were not snipped, possibly because Princess Diana was opposed to the practice, which is out of fashion in England.
2012, Tom Hickman, Gods Doodle: The Life and Times of the Penis'', Square Peg (2012), ISBN 9780224095532, page 144:
By the outbreak of the First World War such claims had diminished and the medical profession touted circumcision as being 'hygienic' — fathers were not only encouraged to have their newborn sons snipped, but to belatedly enjoy the benefits themselves.
(lbl) To remove the irrelevant parts of quotations in the reply message.
The act of snipping; cutting a small amount off of something.
A single cut with scissors, clippers, or similar tool.
Something acquired for a low price; a bargain.

That wholesale lot on eBay was a snip at $10

A small amount of something; a pinch.
puhekieltä A vasectomy.
A small or weak person, especially a young one.
2010 — Ellen Renner, Castle of Shadows, Hachette UK, 2010 ISBN 1408313723.
'Might as well come out now, you little snip, from wherever you be hiding!'
puhekieltä An impertinent or mischievous person.
1835, William Hamilton Maxwell, My Life (page 283)
Nor was the lady's establishment more fortunate in gaining the regard of the household. The maid was a verjuiced spinster, too old to love herself, and too ill-natured to look on. The footman was a regular snip (..)
puhekieltä A share or portion; a snack.


puhekieltä A tailor.


  • snipeli: omena


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hip, piip, VIP

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