

  1. valokuva, kuva, otos, foto, tuokiokuva, näpäys.

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tuokiokuva, valokuva A photograph, especially one taken quickly or in a moment of opportunity.

He carried a snapshot of his daughter.

A glimpse of something; a portrayal of something at a moment in time.

The article offered a snapshot of life in that region.

puhekieltä A file or set of files captured at a particular time, capable of being reloaded to restore the earlier state.

This game is so hard that I find myself taking a snapshot every few seconds in case I get killed.

puhekieltä A quick, unplanned or unexpected shot.
puhekieltä A quick offhand shot, made without deliberately taking aim over the sights.
Stanley Waterloo, A Man and a Woman
How quick the eye and hand to catch him the ruffed grouse when he rises from the underbrush and is out of sight in the wood before the untrained sportsman stops him with what is little more than a snapshot, so instantaneously must all be done!
puhekieltä To take a snapshot of.
1904, David T Hanbury, Sport and Travel in the Northland of Canada
As he did not appear disposed to move off, I took my camera and approached within about thirty yards, when I snapshotted him.
2007, David E. Irwin, An Operating System Architecture for Networked Server Infrastructure (page 30)
Filer appliances also offer programmatic snapshotting and cloning at the block-level or file system-level.


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