

  1. likainen, kurainen, epäsiisti, törkyinen, musta, nokinen, siivoton, hävytön, rivo, säädytön, ruokoton, ruma.

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nokinen, likainen

rivo Soiled with smut; blackened, dirty.
1931, William Faulkner, Sanctuary, Vintage 1993, p. 62:

She caught up the corner of her skirt and lifted the smutty coffee-pot from the stove.
obscene Obscene, indecent.
(RQ:Joyce Ulysse) Episode 12, The Cyclops
And what was it only one of the smutty yankee pictures Terry borrows off of Corny Kelleher. Secrets for enlarging your private parts.
1938, w:Xavier Herbert|Xavier Herbert, w:Capricornia (novel)|Capricornia, New York: D. Appleton-Century, 1943, Chapter XI, p. 178,
Prayter said with a smile to the faces looking down, "Rilly—this train's a joke, isn't it!"
A wag yelled, "Yes—a smutty one!"
With raucous laughter in his ears, the parson turned and looked for Lace, feeling rather lonely.


smutty rimmaa näiden kanssa:

tietty, mielitietty, kielletty, läpisävelletty, ilmetty, kovaksikeitetty, edellä esitetty, yhdistetty, alppiyhdistetty, suojaeristetty

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