

viisastelija, neropatti besserwisser

näsäviisas puhekieltä One who is particularly insolent, who tends to make snide remarks or jokes.

Lots of luck, smartass.

puhekieltä Related to or characteristic of a smartass.

I have had quite enough of your smartass remarks.

puhekieltä To talk like a smartass, with a lot of snide remarks.
2012, (w), https://books.google.com/books?id=ECJnVs_f2LMC&pg=PA240&dq=%22smack-talked%22&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiO5cv4v_XKAhULwGMKHZiLA4UQ6AEIIzABv=onepage&q=%22smack-talked%22&f=false Crazy Enough: A Memoir
I smartassed and smack-talked half of the interview, but as I relaxed a bit more and genuinely talked with them, a strange thing happened.


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