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englanti puhekieltä To smack; taste.
1882, Bricktop, The trip of the Sardine Club:
Even Bill Bitters could not find it in his heart to say a word against this moisture, and he actually smaked his lips, although he turned away lest someone should see him do it.
1893, Margaret Sidney, Five little Peppers Midway:
Now, that's good," smaking his lips in a pleased way.
1918, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers (U.S.), Locomotive engineers journal:
He smaked his lips in anticipation of the coming treat.
1922, Lucy Fox Robins Lang, Mrs. Lucy Robins, War Shadows:
It is not a nice place to look at, rough you know,” he smiled, and his right eye winked at Frayne: “But the corned beef and cabbage, and the waffles. Mm!” He smaked his lips with desire.
2001, James Joyce, Dubliners:
"And what about the address to the King?" said Mr. Lyons, after drinking and smaking his lips.
A smack; taste; scent.
1831, Congressional edition:
The 15th we came to Hatorask, in thirty-six degrees and a terse, at four fadom, three leagues from the shore, where we might perceive a smake at the place where I left the colony, 1587."
1856, Edward Augustus Bond, Giles Fletcher, Sir Jerome Horsey, Russia at the close of the sixteenth century:
A smake there is in other things, but small purpose.
(nl-verb form of)
to taste (something)
(alternative form of)


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