


  1. liuske, liuskekivi, saviliuske

  2. liuskekivipaanu

  3. rihvelitaulu

  4. kuva|k=en luettelo (ehdokkaista, tekemisistä, tarjonnasta): ehdokaslista, ohjelmisto tms.

  5. kuva|k=en "piikki", vastakirja (luettelo veloista)

Esimerkkejä slate sanan käytöstä:

A 'slate' is a group of candidates that run in multi-seat elections on a common platform.

CBS unveils new look and updated programming 'slate'.

Put it in my 'slate'.

Liittyvät sanat: shale



  1. kivitaulu, -taulu, lista, luettelo, listaus, ehdokaslista, kerroskivilaji, sedimenttikivilaji, saviliuske, aikoa, suunnitella, tarkoittaa, täsmentää, ehdottaa, määrätä, panna esityslistalle, kattaa, kattaa kivilaatoilla.

Lisää synonyymejää




panna esityslistalle


kattaa kivilaatoilla

saviliuske Having the bluish-grey/gray colour of slate.
(senseid) puhekieltä A fine-grained homogeneous sedimentary rock composed of clay or volcanic ash which has been metamorphosed so that it cleaves easily into thin layers.
puhekieltä The bluish-grey colour of most slate.

(color panel)

puhekieltä A sheet of slate for writing on with chalk or with a thin rod of slate (a slate pencil) formerly commonly used by younger children for writing practice in schools.
puhekieltä A roofing-tile made of slate.
puhekieltä A record of money owed.

Put it on my slate – I’ll pay you next week.

puhekieltä A list of affiliated candidates for an election.

Roy Disney led the alternative slate of directors for the stockholder vote.

An artificial material resembling slate and used for the same purposes.
A thin plate of any material; a flake.
To cover with slate.

The old church ledgers show that the roof was slated in 1775.

puhekieltä To criticise harshly.

The play was slated by the critics.

puhekieltä To schedule.

The election was slated for November 2nd.

puhekieltä To destine or strongly expect.

The next version of our software is slated to be the best release ever.

To punish severely.

The boy was slated by his own mom for disobeying her.


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