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englanti to write

Eg skal skriva ei bok.

I will write a book.

to paint, to draw
to write, to type, to copy; to put letters and digits on a surface, using a pen or typewriter
1998, Svenska Folkbibeln, Stiftelsen Svenska Folkbibeln, Exodus 34:1:
HERREN sade till Mose: “Hugg ut två stentavlor åt dig, likadana som de förra. På dem skall jag skriva samma ord som stod på de förra tavlorna, som du slog sönder.
: The LORD said unto Moses, “Hew two stone tablets, like the previous. Upon them I shall write the same words as those written on the previous tablets, which you have broken.

hon skriver som en kråka

her handwriting is not pretty (she writes like a crow)

hur snabbt skriver du?

how fast do you type?

to be literate, to be able to write and spell

läser och skriver han?

does he read and write?

to write, to author, to tell, to report, to publish; to compose and communicate a story

vem har skrivit den här boken?

who has written this book?

Süddeutsche Zeitung skriver idag att inflationen är oförändrad

Süddeutsche Zeitung writes today that inflation is unchanged

to sign, to underwrite; to put one's name on a contract or check (skriva under, skriva på)
to take a test, to undergo written examination

jag ska skriva geografi nästa vecka

my geography exam is next week

to register (a person), to matriculate; (skriva in, mantalsskriva)

var är du skriven?

where is your officially registered residency? (with Swedish tax authorities)

to write, to print; using a computer printer (skriva ut)
to record, to store, to save; whether by pen in a book, in computer memory or on magnetic disk

filen måste först skrivas till disk

the file must first be written to disk


  • skrivaa: kirjoittaa : Skrivaa mulle sun systeris numero.

  • skrivaaminen: kirjoittaminen

  • skrivari: kirjuri / kirjoittaja


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iva, laiva, matkustajalaiva, viljalaiva, majakkalaiva, ravintolalaiva, ilmalaiva, miinalaiva, kaarnalaiva, kauppalaiva

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