

  1. hipaista, ohentaa.

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ohentaa puhekieltä To avoid one's lessons or, sometimes, work. Chiefly at school or university.
2006, The Economist, Young offenders: Arrested development

Truancies, rather bewilderingly, have risen among children on the programme; the government hopes this is because children skive more as they get older.
puhekieltä Something very easy, where one can slack off without penalty.

Mr Smiths history classes are a total skive.''

The iron lap used by diamond polishers in finishing the facets of the gem.
To pare or shave off the rough or thick parts of (hides or leather).
slice, shive
a disc (UK) or disk (US)
a washer (small disc with a hole in the middle)
a slice (e.g. slice of bread)
a washer (as above)


skive rimmaa näiden kanssa:

taive, nilkkataive, polvitaive, kyynärtaive, nivustaive, viive, jive, live, toive, voitontoive

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