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Liittyvät sanat: skipping rope



  1. astunta, käynti, hyppely, hyppääminen, ponnahtaa, kimmota, poukota, kimmahtaa, kimpoilla, potkaista, singahtaa, sinkoutua, pompata, hypätä, hyppiä, hypähdellä, hypellä, lähteä pois, lähteä tiehensä, poistua, häipyä, olla pääsemättä, missata, pinnata, jättää väliin, lintsata.

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poistua puhekieltä To move by hopping on alternate feet.

She will skip from one end of the sidewalk to the other.

puhekieltä To leap about lightly.
Alexander Pope
The lamb thy riot dooms to bleed to-day, / Had he thy reason, would he skip and play?
Nathaniel Hawthorne
So she drew her mother away skipping, dancing, and frisking fantastically.
puhekieltä To skim, ricochet or bounce over a surface.

The rock will skip across the pond.

puhekieltä To throw (something), making it skim, ricochet, or bounce over a surface.

I bet I can skip this rock to the other side of the pond.

puhekieltä To disregard, miss or omit part of a continuation (some item or stage).

My heart will skip a beat.

I will read most of the book, but skip the first chapter because the video covered it.

Bishop Burnet
They who have a mind to see the issue may skip these two chapters.
To place an item in a skip.
puhekieltä Not to attend (some event, especially a class or a meeting).

Yeah, I really should go to the quarterly meeting but I think Im going to skip it.''

puhekieltä To leave


1998, w:Baha Men|Baha Men - w:Who Let the Dogs Out?|Who Let the Dogs Out?
I see ya little speed boat head up our coast''
She really want to skip town'
Get back off me, beast off me
Get back you flea-infested mongrel
To leap lightly over.

to skip the rope

To jump rope.

The girls were skipping in the playground.

A leaping, jumping or skipping movement.
The act of passing over an interval from one thing to another; an omission of a part.
puhekieltä A passage from one sound to another by more than a degree at once.


A person who attempts to disappear so as not to be found.
2012, Susan Nash, Skip Tracing Basics and Beyond (page 19)
Tracking down debtors is a big part of a skip tracer's job. That's the case because deadbeats who haven't paid their bills and have disappeared are the most common type of skips.
puhekieltä skywave propagation
puhekieltä A large open-topped rubbish bin, designed to be lifted onto the back of a truck to take away both bin and contents (qualifier).
puhekieltä A transportation container in a mine, usually for ore or mullock.
puhekieltä A skep, or basket.
A wheeled basket used in cotton factory factories.
puhekieltä A charge of syrup in the pans.
A beehive.
Short for skipper, the master or captain of a ship, or other person in authority.
puhekieltä The player who call the shots|calls the shots and traditionally throws the last two rocks.
puhekieltä An Australian of Anglo-Celtic descent.
2001, w:Effie Effie (character played by w:Mary Coustas|Mary Coustas), Effie: Just Quietly (TV series), Episode: Nearest and Dearest,
Effie: How did you find the second, the defacto, and what nationality is she?
Barber: She is Australian.
Effie: Is she? Gone for a skip. You little radical you.
{{got-romanization of|


  • skippaa: juosta, pyrähdys

  • skippaa: pinnata koulusta

  • skippaa: hypätä jonkun yli

  • skippaa: lyödä

  • skippaa: purjehtia


  • "Aina kun minä annan anteeksi, se on melko helppoa. Mutta jumalalta se vaatii verisen ihmeen." - skip Church"

  • "Kristinusko on vain pakanuutta jolla on tehokkaampi mainostuskampanja." - skip Church"


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hip, piip, VIP

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