six pack

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six pack

  1. six-pack, sixpack.

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six pack A set of six beverage cans or bottles sold together, especially of beer.

If youre thirsty, there's a six pack in the kitchen.''

2005, Jim Jackson, Walking Together Forever: The Broad Street Bullies, Then and Now, page 120
“We try to create the illusion that we just cruise up into the booth, crack open a six pack, and just schmooze while we watch the game,” Clement explains.
puhekieltä A highly-developed set of abdominal muscles.
2005, Les Hewitt, The Power of Focus for College Students, page 133
Are you going to tone your arms, build a six pack or tighten up the old rump?
2009, Jorge Cruise, Body at Home: A Simple Plan to Drop 10 Pounds, page 182
Depending on your genetics, you might develop abs that have deep grooves, or you might get a great six pack yet your abs appear "flat" like Brad Pitt's n the movie Fight Club.
puhekieltä A selection of six photographs, including one of a suspect, used for idenitification by a witness.
2008, John N. Ferdico, Henry F. Fradella, & Christopher D. Totten, Criminal Procedure for the Criminal Justice Professional, 10th ed., page 792
Officer Bahash then obtained a copy of Grant's photograph from the DMV and placed it in a six-person photograph array (also known as a “six-pack”) for possible identification by two earlier victims.


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