
Tarkoititko: sitcom

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englanti puhekieltä A brook; ditch; gutter; drain; ravine
puhekieltä situation
2005, Lois H. Gresh & Robert E. Weinberg, The science of supervillains, John Wiley and Sons, page 1:
So here's the sitch: Bruce Banner and Betty Ross Talbot are falling from roughly eight miles high.
2007, George Bennett Fain, Pandoras Box'',, page 159:
Valeska had insisted 'she' stay, sleep where it was definitely safe. Just 'til the sitch could be settled.
2008, Editors of TEEN magazine, Teen Uncover the Real You: A Quiz Book, Sterling Publishing Company, Inc., page 2:
Maybe one is more introspective and the other is more outgoing. Whatever the sitch, you two balance each other out.


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high tech, hi-tech, sandwich, brunch, kitsch

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