

  1. sodankäynti|k=en piiritys

Liittyvät sanat: besiege



  1. saarto, piiritys, motitus, piirittäminen, saartaminen, Alamo, Atlanta, Atlantan taistelu, Bataan, Corregidor.

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piiritys puhekieltä A seat.
puhekieltä A seat, especially as used by someone of importance or authority.
(RQ:Mlry MrtDrthr).

Now Merlyn said kyng Arthur / goo thow and aspye me in al this land l knyghtes whiche ben of most prowesse & worship / within short tyme merlyn had founde suche knyȝtes(..)Thenne the Bisshop of Caunterbury was fette and he blessid the syeges with grete Royalte and deuoycyon / and there sette the viij and xx knyghtes in her syeges
1590, (w), (w), II.vii:
To th'vpper part, where was aduaunced hye / A stately siege of soueraigne maiestye; / And thereon sat a woman gorgeous gay(nb..).
puhekieltä An ecclesiastical see.
puhekieltä The place where one has his seat; a home, residence, domain, empire.
The seat of a heron while looking out for prey; a flock of heron.
puhekieltä A toilet seat.
puhekieltä The anus; the rectum.
1646, Sir (w), Pseudodoxia Epidemica, III.17:
Another ground were certain holes or cavities observable about the siege; which being perceived in males, made some conceive there might be also a feminine nature in them.
puhekieltä Excrements, stool, fecal matter.
1610, (w), by (w), act 2 scene 2
Thou art very Trinculo indeed! How cam'st thou / to be the siege of this moon-calf? Can he vent Trinculos?
puhekieltä Rank; grade; station; estimation.
(w) (c.1564–1616)
I fetch my life and being / From men of royal siege.
puhekieltä The floor of a glass-furnace.
puhekieltä A workman's bench.


puhekieltä Military action.
A prolonged military assault or a blockade of a city or fortress with the intent of conquering by force or attrition.
1748, (w), Enquiry concerning Human Understanding, Section 3 §5:
The Peloponnesian war is a proper subject for history, the siege of Athens for an epic poem, and the death of Alcibiades for a tragedy.
puhekieltä A period of struggle or difficulty, especially from illness.
puhekieltä A prolonged assault or attack.
{{quote-journal|date=June 19, 2012|author=Phil McNulty|work=BBC Sport
puhekieltä A place with a toilet seat: an outhouse; a lavatory.
puhekieltä To assault a blockade of a city or fortress with the intent of conquering by force or attrition; to besiege.
(de-verb form of)
(l) (gloss)
seat (place where one sits)


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