


  1. haulikko

  2. slangia|k=en paikka, kuskin viereinen paikka

Esimerkkejä shotgun sanan käytöstä:

sit shotgun – istua pelkääjän paikalla

I call shotgun! – varata etupenkki (matkustajana)

Liittyvät sanat: pump-action shotgun



  1. käsiase, ase, ampuma-ase, tuliase, haulikko, katkaistu haulikko.

Lisää synonyymejää



haulikko puhekieltä A gun which fires loads typically consisting of small metal balls, called shot, from a cartridge.
puhekieltä The front passenger seat in a vehicle, next to the driver; so called because the position of the shotgun-armed guard on a horse-drawn stage-coach, wagon train, or gold transport was next to the driver on a forward-mounted bench seat.

I call shotgun! (I claim the right to sit in the passenger seat.)

puhekieltä A one-story dwelling with no hallways or corridors, with the rooms arranged in a straight line.

Elvis Presley was born in a two-bedroom shotgun in Tupelo, Mississippi.

puhekieltä A play formation in which the quarterback is a few feet behind the snapper when the ball is hiked, ideally allowing for an easier pass play.
puhekieltä To inhale from a pipe or other smoking device, followed shortly by an exhalation into someone else’s mouth.
puhekieltä To verbally lay claim to (something)

I got a day off because I shotgunned it.

puhekieltä To hit the ball directly back at the pitcher.
puhekieltä To rapidly drink a beverage from a can by making a hole in the bottom of the can, placing the hole above one's mouth, and opening the top.
puhekieltä To send out many (requests, answers to a question, etc), especially in the hope that one obtains a positive result (i.e. reveals useful information, is correct, etc), in the manner of a shotgun firing many balls of shot such that one may hit a target.
2009, Writing Fiction For Dummies (ISBN 0470585234):
An actual physical piece of paper shows that you're not just shotgunning out queries to every agent on the planet.
2013, Zack Arias, Photography Q&A: Real Questions, Real Answers, page 197:
It's like they are on a generic mailing list and some photographer is just shotgunning cards out into the world with no thought as to who they are actually going to.
Of or relating to a shotgun.

The ground was littered with shotgun shells.

Occurring as a result of the threat of force.

a shotgun wedding

Utilizing numerous or highly diverse means to achieve a particular result.


  • "Johnson, the terrorists have the bomb. They're going to kill everybody in the city. We can't let the terrorists win, so you have to kill everybody before they do. Here's a shotgun. Start from downtown.(Suomeksi: Johnson, terroristeillä on pommi. He aikovat tappaa jokaisen kaupungissa. Emme saa antaa terroristien voittaa, joten sinun pitää tappaa kaikki ennen kuin he tekevät sen. Tässä on haulikko. Aloita keskustasta.) "


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