


  1. hökkeli

Liittyvät sanat: shanty



  1. röttelö, maja, murju, hökkeli, tönö, mökki, iglu, kaislatalo, suoja, turva, suojapaikka, kulkea, liikkua, mennä, siirtyä, laahautua, elää maalaiselämää, asua, asettua asumaan.

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asettua asumaan

hökkeli A crude, roughly built hut or cabin.
{{quote-book|year=1913|author=w:Robert Barr (writer)|Robert Barr
Any unpleasant, poorly constructed or poorly furnished building.
To live in or with; to shack up.
puhekieltä Grain fallen to the ground and left after harvest.
puhekieltä Nuts which have fallen to the ground.
puhekieltä Freedom to pasturage in order to feed upon shack.
1918, Christobel Mary Hoare Hood, The History of an East Anglian Soke

... first comes the case of tenants with a customary right to shack their sheep and cattle who have overburdened the fields with a larger number of beasts than their tenement entitles them to, or who have allowed their beasts to feed in the field out of shack time.
1996, J M Neeson, Commoners
The fields were enclosed by Act in 1791, and Tharp gave the cottagers about thirteen acres for their right of shack.
puhekieltä A shiftless fellow; a low, itinerant beggar; a vagabond; a tramp.


Henry Ward Beecher
All the poor old shacks about the town found a friend in Deacon Marble.
puhekieltä To shed or fall, as corn or grain at harvest.
puhekieltä To feed in stubble, or upon waste.
(..) first comes the case of tenants with a customary right to shack their sheep and cattle who have overburdened the fields with a larger number of beasts than their tenement entitles them to, or who have allowed their beasts to feed in the field out of shack time.
puhekieltä To wander as a vagabond or tramp.


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