


  1. seksuaalisuus

Esimerkkejä sexuality sanan käytöstä:

In opposition, sex-negativity takes on conservative definitions of human 'sexuality'.

Liittyvät sanat: sexual orientation



  1. koiras-, uros-, emi-, naaras-, naispuolinen, androgyyninen, seksuaalinen, sukupuoli-, sukupuoleton, epäseksuaalinen, suvuton, sukupuoli, sukupuolisuus.

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sukupuolisuus That which is characterized or distinguished by sex.
(quote-book)|year=2000|page=2|isbn=978-0-415-22365-2|passage=Sexuality, then, is related to both biological sex and gender, and simultaneously is quite distinct from them. (..) We employ sexuality to refer to all kinds of sexual relations, including sexual activities, eroticism, sexual identities, sexual meanings, and sexual politics.
sexual Sexual activity; concern with, or interest in, sexual activity.
(quote-book). However, they typically lack basic information about sexuality that would enhance their ability to engage in intimate relationships, as well as help them to be aware of the implications of that behavior and to protect themselves from exploitation.
Sexual potency.
(quote-book)|year=1985|page=|isbn=978-0-89870-212-5|passage=As his sexual activity is aggressive, so he is interested in display and in manifestation of his sexuality, if not directly, then in contest against other men. And the whole of his life manifests his inner need to take initiative.
(quote-book) He also was able to see that while unusual requests played into his traditional expectations about sex roles and his desire to protect her and assert his sexuality with her, they were anything but professional. She was, in fact, coming on to him the way he typically imagined a man would come on to a woman.
Sexual orientation.
Sexual identity, gender.
(quote-book)|year=2013|page=11|isbn=978-1-133-94349-1|passage=Rigid gender-role conditioning can limit each person's potential and can harm his or her sexuality (Petersen & Hyde, 2011). (..) It appears that when overall gender equality is greater, individuals of both sexes see male and female sexuality more similarly.
Sexual receptivity.


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