

  1. sävellys, opus, divertimento, serenadi, laulu, lauluosuus, kappale, kissannaukujaiset, charivari, callithump, callathump, belling, laulaa serenadi, esittää serenadi jollekulle, suorittaa, esittää, tehdä.

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esittää serenadi jollekulle, laulaa serenadi a love song that is sung directly to one's love interest, especially one performed below the window of a loved one in the evening
puhekieltä an instrumental composition in several movements
to sing or play a serenade (for someone)
2013, Daniel Taylor, Rickie Lamberts debut goal gives England victory over Scotland (in The Guardian'', 14 August 2013)

The Southampton striker, who also struck a post late on, was being serenaded by the Wembley crowd before the end and should probably brace himself for some Lambert-mania over the coming days but, amid the eulogies, it should not overlook the deficiencies that were evident in another stodgy England performance.
(inflection of)


serenade rimmaa näiden kanssa:

kaade, vaade, jade, kade, made, sade, rankkasade, kultasade, lumisade, monsuunisade

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