

  1. myöhempi, seuraava, jtak seuraava, seurauksena oleva, jnk myötä seuraava, jhk liittyvä, jstak johtuva, järjestetty, peräkkäinen, perättäinen.

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peräkkäinen, perättäinen

jtak seuraava puhekieltä That comes after in time or order; subsequent.
1860, w:James Thomson (B.V.)|James Thomson (B.V.), Two Sonnets:

Why are your songs all wild and bitter sad
As funeral dirges with the orphans' cries?
Each night since first the world was made hath had
A sequent day to laugh it down the skies.
puhekieltä That follows on as a result, conclusion etc.; consequent (m), (m), (m).
c. 1604, (w), Measure for Measure:
But let my Triall, be mine owne Confession: / Immediate sentence then, and sequent death, / Is all the grace I beg.
1897, (w), What Maisie Knew:
Maisie found herself clutched to her mother's breast and passionately sobbed and shrieked over, made the subject of a demonstration evidently sequent to some sharp passage just enacted.
Recurring in succession or as a series; successive, consecutive.
c. 1603, (w), Othello, I.2:
The Gallies Haue sent a dozen sequent Messengers / This very night, at one anothers heeles: / And many of the Consuls, rais'd and met, / Are at the Dukes already.
Something that follows in a given sequence.
1946, (w), History of Western Philosophy, I.30:
The One is somewhat shadowy. It is sometimes called God, sometimes the Good; it transcends Being, which is the first sequent upon the One.
puhekieltä A disjunctive set of logical formulae which is partition partitioned into two subsets; the first subset, called the antecedent, consists of formulae which are valuated as false, and the second subset, called the succedent, consists of formulae which are valuated as true., Chapter 8 (The set is written without set brackets and the separation between the two subsets is denoted by a turnstile symbol, which may be read "give(s)".)

A sequent a, b \vdash c, d could be interpreted to correspond to an Existential Graph, whose expression in Existential Graph Interchange Format would be ~(a) (b) ~(c) ~(d), which in ordinary language could be expressed as "a and b give c or d".

puhekieltä A follower.
William Shakespeare, Loves Labour's Lost''
Sir Nathaniel, this Biron is one of the votaries with the king; and here he hath framed a letter to a sequent of the stranger queen's, which accidentally, or by the way of progression, hath miscarried.
puhekieltä A sequential calculus


sequent rimmaa näiden kanssa:

management, understatement, establishment, vol-au-vent

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septimi, septinen, sepustaa, sepustus, serbetti, serbi

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