


  1. minuus



minuus; yksilöllisyys

persoonallisuus; yksilöllisyys

itsekeskeisyys, itsekkyys puhekieltä State of having a distinct identity, or being an individual distinct from others; individuality.
The fully developed self; one's personality, character.
2002, Amila Buturović, Stone speaker: medieval tombs, landscape, and Bosnian identity in the poetry of Mak Dizdar:

Indeed, while geography is neither a key dimension of identity nor its determinant, it is one of the most important categories through which nationhood can be explored and articulated. It both grounds a sense of national selfhood and gives it a framework through which a continuous shaping of identity can "take place."
The quality of being self-centered or egocentric; selfishness.


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