
Tarkoititko: seasta

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vuodenaikaan nähden normaalisti In due season; at an opportune or fitting time.
1661, w:Robert Boyle|Robert Boyle, s:Sceptical Chymist|The Sceptical Chymist, p. 6-7:

...having very long suspended our conference about the freshly mentiond Subject, it was so newly begun when you came in, that we shall scarce need to repeat any thing to acquaint you With what has pass'd betwixt us before your arrival, so that I cannot but look upon it as a fortunate Accident that you should come so seasonably, to be not hearers alone, but we hope Interlocutors at our conference.''
Varying with the season.
In a manner appropriate to the season.
puhekieltä Within the appropriate time period during which an action will be legally effective, as prescribed in legislation, a contract, or otherwise.
2005: :w:Uniform Commercial Code|Uniform Commercial Code § 1-204(3). The American Law Institute and the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws.
An action is taken "seasonably" when it is taken at or within the time agreed or if no time is agreed at or within a reasonable time.


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