

  1. soiro, pystytuki, pystyosa.

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soiro puhekieltä The set size or dimension of a piece of timber, stone etc., or materials used to build ships or aircraft.
puhekieltä A small portion, a scant amount.
(RQ:Flr Mntgn Essay), Folio Society, 2006, vol.1, p.204:

For one may have particular knowledge of the nature of one river, and experience of the qualitie of one fountaine, that in other things knowes no more than another man: who neverthelesse to publish this little scantling, will undertake to write all of the Physickes.
Francis Bacon
Such as exceed not this scantling, to be solace to the sovereign and harmless to the people.
A pretty scantling of his knowledge may taken by his deferring to be baptized so many years.
Jeremy Taylor
Reducing them to narrow scantlings.
A small, upright timber used in construction, especially less than five inches square.
puhekieltä A rough draught; a crude sketch or outline.
puhekieltä A frame for casks to lie upon; a trestle.


Not plentiful; small; scanty.


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