


  1. päänahka



  1. iho, tegumentti, cutis, päänahka, irrottaa, poistaa, ottaa pois, vetää jk pois jstak, skalpeerata, viedä päänahka, myydä mustassa pörssissä, myydä.

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myydä mustassa pörssissä

skalpeerata, viedä päänahka

päänahka puhekieltä The top of the head; the skull.
The part of the head where the hair grows from, or used to grow from.
2014, Kaitlin Newman in Baltimore Sun, Five years after beating, Ryan Diviney’s family holds out hope

The original titanium mesh plate that was inserted in the summer of 2010 was removed last June since it was causing his scalp to break down.
c. 1590, (w), The Two Gentlemen of Verona
By the bare scalpe of Robin Hoods fat Fryer, / This fellow were a King, for our wilde faction.
A part of the skin of the head, with the hair attached, formerly cut or torn off from an enemy by Native American warriors as a token of victory.

Some tribes used to collect scalps to prove how many of the enemy they had killed in battle.

A victory, especially at the expense of someone else.
1993, John Frohnmayer, Leaving Town Alive: Confessions of an Arts Warrior (page 331)
Pat Buchanan, in his ongoing presidential quest, claimed his first scalp, and Donald Wildmon's newsletter chortled that his efforts in opposing the NEA had paid off.
puhekieltä A bed or stratum of shellfish; a scaup.
puhekieltä The top; the summit.


To remove the scalp (part of the head from where the hair grows), by brutal act or accident.
puhekieltä To resell, especially tickets, usually for an inflated price, often illegally.
To screen or sieve ore before further processing

scalped ore

puhekieltä To remove the skin of.
J. S. Wells
We must scalp the whole lid of the eye.
puhekieltä To brush the hairs or fuzz from (wheat grains, etc.) in the process of high milling.

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