


  1. satula

  2. musiikki|k=en tallapala



  1. selkä, pyörän istuin, satula, istuin, istumapaikka, ruumiinosa.

Lisää synonyymejää




selkä (senseid) A seat (tack) for a rider placed on the back of a horse or other animal
An item of harness (harness saddle) placed on the back of a horse or other animal
A seat on a bicycle, motorcycle etc
A cut of meat that includes both loins and part of the backbone
A low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hills.
1977, (w), The Honourable Schoolboy, Folio Society 2010, p. 483:

With Lizzie leading, they scrambled quickly over several false peaks towards the saddle.
puhekieltä A formation of gold-bearing quartz occurring along the crest of an anticlinal fold, especially in Australia.
The raised floorboard in a doorway.
puhekieltä A small tapered/sloped area structure that helps channel surface water to drains.
puhekieltä A block of wood, usually fastened to one spar and shaped to receive the end of another.
puhekieltä A part, such as a flange, which is hollowed out to fit upon a convex surface and serve as a means of attachment or support.
The clitellus of an earthworm.
Any of the saddle-like markings on a boa constrictor.
To put a saddle on an animal.
To get into a saddle.
puhekieltä To burden or encumber.
puhekieltä To give a responsibility to someone.
He has been saddled with the task of collecting evidence to the theft.


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