
Tarkoititko: russisti

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englanti russet Russet (a coarse reddish fabric).
russet Russet (a kind of apple).
(quote-journal)|date=16 January 1820|year_published=July 1826|volume=IX|issue=2|page=135|pageurl=|oclc=1588003|passage=Mr. Collinson then produced several samples of the apples; an untainted russeting, a russeting changed in complexion which grew among a great cluster of unaltered brethren, and some apples of the other tree which had caused the change in the russetings, and whose fruit had in turn received a rough cast from the russetings.
Early season damageNoun damage to citrus fruitNoun fruit caused by rust mites.
(present participle of)


russeting rimmaa näiden kanssa:

rating, karting, petting

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