

  1. nyrkkeily, pugilismi, boksaus.

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rope-a-dope puhekieltä A technique in which the boxer assumes a defensive stance against the ropes and absorbs an opponent's blows, hoping to exploit eventual tiredness or a mistake.
1999, James W Hall, Tropical Freeze

He sounded like a retired boxer who'd specialized in the rope-a-dope.
2003, Steve Hamilton, North of Nowhere
I went into my own version of Ali's rope-a-dope, ducking as many of the heavy blows as I could, and waiting for some kind of idea to come to me.
puhekieltä Any strategy where an apparently lose losing position is assumed in the hope of eventual victory.
2002, Steven Hill, Fixing Elections
...process that in recent years has degenerated, sadly, into one long scorched-earth campaign filled with partisan rancor and legislative rope-a-dope.
2007, Robert Shrum, No Excuses: Concessions of a Serial Campaigner
Maybe, I suggested, it was the old rope-a-dope to lower expectations, but that was tougher for him than it had been in 2000: He was now the president.


  • "Täsmällisyys on kuninkaiden hyve ja myyjän välttämättömyys."


rope-a-dope rimmaa näiden kanssa:

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