

  1. Aspalathus linearis, Aspalathus cedcarbergensis.

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rooibos puhekieltä A shrub ((taxlink)) from which a tisane (herbal tea) is made.
(quote-book)|year=2010|page=89|isbn=978-1-84407-722-9|passage=Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis, Fabaceae) is a plant that is indigenous only to the Cedarburg Mountain Range near Cape Town, South Africa. Wilson (2005, p140) notes that the mountain-dwelling people of the Khoikhoi were the first to use rooibos as a tea and, had it not been for them, rooibos would probably simply have remained an unutilized bush. The name ‘rooibos’ is an Afrikaans word meaning red bush for which the plant has been commonly known since at least the 1960s and probably back to the 1940s, and which is perceived as part of the country's heritage (Cheney and Scholtz, 1963).
The tisane (herbal tea) made from this plant.
(quote-journal)|date=28 October 1909|year_published=1910|volume=19|page=954|oclc=145381596|passage=The respondent obtained the registration of a trade mark for bush tea, one essential particular of which was the name of "Rooibosch" tea. Before the registration the same kind of tea had been known by several names one of them being Red bush tea, or in Dutch "Roodebosch" tea, and the appellants had sold similar tea under that appellation.
(quote-book)|year=2006|page=232|isbn=978-1-59257-544-2|passage=When brewed, rooibos is a stunning orange-red color.
puhekieltä Various shrubs of the genus Combretum.
rooibos (plant)
rooibos (tisane)
rooibos plant
rooibos tea

saksa Rooibos (m), Rooibostee (m)


rooibos rimmaa näiden kanssa:

kaaos, liikennekaaos, jaos, saos, taos, karkeistaos, lados, calvados, tournedos, vedos

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