
Tarkoititko: rock

Ehdota määritelmää


englanti A white vestment, worn by a bishop, similar to a surplice but with narrower sleeves, extending either to below the knee (in the Catholic church) or to the hem of the cassock in the Anglican church.
1600, (w), The (w) of (w), XI, iv:
Each priest adorn'd was in a surplice white, / The bishops don'd their albes and copes of state, // Above their rochets button'd fair before, / And mitres on their heads like crowns they wore.
(w) (1729-1797)
They see no difference between an idler with a hat and national cockade, and an idler in a cowl or in a rochet.
A frock or outer garment worn in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries.


A fish, the red gurnard.


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