
englanti (ca-verb form of)
(inflection of)
(monikko) robo|lang=io
(lv-inflection of)
c. 1250: w:Alfonso X|Alfonso X, Lapidario, f. 96v.
DEla segunda faz del ſigno de leon es la piedra aque llaman robi. & deſta auemos ementado ya en eſte libro en el .iiij. grado del ſigno de leon.
: Of the second facet of the sign of Leo is the stone they call ruby, which we have already recalled in this book in the IIIIº degree of the sign of Leo.
to enslave, enthrall
to hold captive
to exploit
to work like a slave


  • Robbari: Robin Hood (leikeissä) : Mä oon Robbari, oo sä Punapää Will?


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garderobi, mikrobi, maamikrobi, vesimikrobi

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