

  1. reuna, tienvarsi, tienlaita.

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tienlaita Located next to (beside) a road.

The roadside stand did a good business just selling products to people who merely wanted directions.

2013, Nicholas Watt and Nick Hopkins, Afghanistan bomb: UK to look carefully' at use of vehicles (in The Guardian'', 1 May 2013)
David Cameron has said the government will "look carefully" at the use of heavily armoured vehicles after three British soldiers were killed in Afghanistan by a roadside bomb while travelling in a Mastiff troop carrier.
The area on either side of a road.

I pulled over to the roadside to check the map.


roadside rimmaa näiden kanssa:

side, pikaside, kantaside, haavaside, paineside, tunneside, kantalenkkiside, kärkiside, ideaaliside, kieliside

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