


  1. väre, kare (nesteen pinnalla)

  2. liplatus

  3. (sähkötekniikka) aaltoilu, rippeli



  1. väre, kare, pieni laine, pieni aalto, aalloke, heilahtelu, heiluminen, sykintä, aalto, laskostaa, taittaa kokoon, nostaa pystyyn, taitella, viikata, taittaa, saada väreilemään, tehdä aaltoja, tehdä laineita, värisyttää, virrata, valua, soljua.

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saada väreilemään



sorista A moving disturbance or undulation in the surface of a liquid.

I dropped a small stone into the pond and watched the ripples.

A sound similar to that of undulating water.
A style of ice cream in which flavors have been coarsely blended together.

I enjoy fudge ripple ice cream, but I especially like to dig through the carton to get at the ripple part and eat only that.

puhekieltä A small oscillation of an otherwise steady signal.
To move like the undulating surface of a body of water; to undulate.
To propagate like a moving wave.
2008, Bradley Simpson, Economists with Guns, page 65:
These problems were complicated by a foreign exchange crunch which rippled through the economy in 1961-1962, ....
To make a sound as of water running gently over a rough bottom, or the breaking of ripples on the shore.
puhekieltä To scratch, tear, or break slightly; graze


An implement, with teeth like those of a comb, for removing the seeds and seed vessels from flax, broom corn, etc.
To remove the seeds from (the stalks of flax, etc.), by means of a ripple.


ripple rimmaa näiden kanssa:

ale, ginger ale, chippendale, kale, riekale, roikale, suikale, kekkale, vonkale, huiskale

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