right attached to the work copyright

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Hait useita sanoja sisältävällä fraasilla. Kokeile hakea sanoja erikseen:

Katso myös: copyright


  • "The truth, however, is that a composer need not work in isolation; there is no reason for us to suppose that Reich's popularity and commercial success brands him as a cult figure unworthy of our attention."

  • "Johnson, kill all the giant pandas. They work for a communist regime, you know. (Suom: Johnson, tapa kaikki jättiläispandat. Ne työskentelevät kommunistihallinnolle, kuten tiedät.)"

  • "Keep yubbin' that big mouth, while it's still attached to your bloody neck. (Jatka tuon ison suun aukomista, vielä kun se on kiinni sinun saakelin kaulassasi.)"


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