


  1. (merenkulku) takiloida, rikata

  2. pystyttää, panna kuntoon

  3. manipuloida, järjestellä (salassa, sääntöjen vastaisesti)

Esimerkkejä rigga sanan käytöstä:

riggad match sopupeli


englanti to rig
rigga til
to rig
rigga skip til
make a ship ready for sea
rigga seg til
* equip oneself, to make preparations
* make oneself smart, smarten, spruce oneself up
''rigga av
* prepare the ship for the home journey
* tidy up after a workday
rigga væl
to fit
kjólin riggar væl uppi á henni
the dress fits her perfectly
look handsome, look well
''bæði rigga tey væl
they both look handsome
things run smoothly
hetta riggar óføra væl
this works extremly well
to function
fáa e-t at rigga
to make something function
motorur motorurin riggar
the engine functions
to set up, such as a trap
to set up; prepare; make something ready for use, by temporary or impromptu means
to rig (a ship), to set up the rigging on a sailing vessel
puhekieltä to dress
1970, (w), Jag diggar dej
du riggar dej flott, det diggar jag hot
: you dress stylishly, I like that a lot


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