


  1. kaari

  2. kylkiluu

  3. (viulunrakennus) kehälista

  4. monikollinen grillikylki



  1. luu, os, kylkiluu, costa.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä

Liittyvät sanat: riboflaviini, ribonukleiinihappo.



pottuilu, härnäys



kylkiluu Any of a series of long curved bones occurring in 12 pairs in humans and other animals and extending from the spine to or toward the sternum
A part or piece, similar to a rib, and serving to shape or support something
A cut of meat enclosing one or more rib bones
puhekieltä Any of several curved members attached to a ship's keel and extending upward and outward to form the framework of the hull
Any of several transverse pieces that provide an aircraft wing with shape and strength
puhekieltä A long, narrow, usually arched member projecting from the surface of a structure, especially such a member separating the webs of a vault
puhekieltä A raised ridge in knitted material or in cloth
puhekieltä The main, or any of the prominent veins of a leaf
A teasing joke
puhekieltä A single strand of hair.
A stalk of celery.
puhekieltä A wife or woman.
George Borrow, Wild Wales, 1862:

'Near to it was the portrait of his rib, Dame Middleton.'
To shape, support, or provide something with a rib or ribs.
To tease or make fun of someone in a good-natured way.


To enclose, as if with ribs, and protect; to shut in.
puhekieltä To leave strips of undisturbed ground between the furrows in ploughing (land).
a truss (gloss)
(jbo-rafsi of)
trap, ensnare


  • ribari: rippikoulu : Mä kävin ribarileiril.

  • ribe: ritsa

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