

  1. vähittäismyynti-

Esimerkkejä retail sanan käytöstä:

retail price

Liittyvät sanat: wholesale



  1. myynti, markkinointi, kaupanteko, kaupankäynti, vähittäismyynti, jälleenmyynti, vähittäiskauppa, myydä, myydä vähittäin, mennä kaupaksi.

Lisää synonyymejää



myydä vähittäin

vähittäismyynti, myynti, vähittäiskauppa The sale of goods directly to the consumer; encompassing the storefronts, mail-order, websites, etc., and the corporate mechanisms, branding, advertising, etc. that support them, which are involved in the business of selling and point-of-sale marketing retail goods to the public.

She works in retail.

puhekieltä Retail price; full price; an abbreviated expression, meaning the full suggested price of a particular good or service, before any sale, discount, or other deal.

I never pay retail for clothes.

Of or relating to the (actual or figurative) sale of goods or services directly to individuals.
Direct to consumers, in retail quantities, or at retail prices.

Weve shut shown our reseller unit. We're only selling retail now.

To sell at retail, or in small quantities directly to customers.
2005, w:Plato Plato, Sophist. Translation by Lesley Brown. w:Stephanus pagination|223d.
a half part of this purveying is carried on within the city and is called retailing.
To repeat or circulate (news or rumours) to others.
1982, (w), Constance, Faber & Faber 2004 (Avignon Quintet), p. 762:
He became quite pale as he retailed these stories to Constance.


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