

  1. eri, erillinen, yksinäinen, yksittäinen, kukin, moni, usea, useat.

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kukin Relating to particular persons or things, each to each; particular; own.

They returned to their respective places of abode.

puhekieltä Noticing with attention; careful; wary.
Archbishop Sandys
If you look upon the church of England with a respective eye, you can not (..) refuse this charge.
puhekieltä Looking toward; having reference to; relative, not absolute.

the respective connections of society

puhekieltä Fitted to awaken respect.
1599, w: William Shakespeare|William Shakespeare, s: The Two Gentlemen of Verona (Shakespeare; First Folio)|The Two Gentlemen of Verona, IV. iv. 192:
What should it be that he respects in her / But I can make respective in myself,
puhekieltä Rendering respect; respectful; regardful.
With respective shame, rose, took us by the hands.
Lord Burleigh
With thy equals familiar, yet respective.
(feminine singular of)


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taive, nilkkataive, polvitaive, kyynärtaive, nivustaive, viive, jive, live, toive, voitontoive

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