


  1. paheksunta, närkästys, mielipaha

Esimerkkejä resentment sanan käytöstä:

I wonder if there is a hint of jealousy and 'resentment' in your decision.

great deal of resentment

Liittyvät sanat: resent



  1. vihamielisyys, viha, pahansuopuus, kauna, mielipaha, närkästys, katkeruus, suuttumus, ärsyynnys, ärtymys, murjotus, mökötys, asianlaita, asioiden tila, tosiasiat, vääryys, kateus, kateellisuus.

Lisää synonyymejää



mielipaha, kauna, närkästys A feeling of anger or displeasure stemming from belief that one has been wronged by others or betrayed; indignation.
1812, w:Jane Austen|Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, wikisource:Pride_and_Prejudice/Chapter_3 Chapter 3

Amongst the most violent against him was Mrs. Bennet, whose dislike of his general behaviour was sharpened into particular resentment by his having slighted one of her daughters.
puhekieltä The state of holding something in the mind as a subject of contemplation, or of being inclined to reflect upon it; feeling; impression.
Dr. H. More
He retains vivid resentments of the more solid morality.
Jeremy Taylor
It is a greater wonder that so many of them die, with so little resentment of their danger.
puhekieltä satisfaction; gratitude
1651, The Council Book
The Council taking notice of the many good services performed by Mr. John Milton (..) have thought fit to declare their resentment and good acceptance of the same.


resentment rimmaa näiden kanssa:

management, understatement, establishment

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