


  1. toisinto, uusinta

  2. repriisi, teeman kertaaminen



  1. soittaa, toistaa, kerrata teema, kerrata.

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toistaa A recurrence or resumption of an action.
puhekieltä A repetition of a phrase, or a return to an earlier theme.
puhekieltä A renewal of a failed attack, after going back into the on guard position.
A taking by way of retaliation.


puhekieltä Deductions and duties paid yearly out of a manor and lands, as rent charge, pensions, annuities, etc.; also spelled (m).
A ship recaptured from an enemy or from a pirate.
puhekieltä To take (something) up or on again.
(RQ:Spenser Faerie Queen), II.xi:
How to take life from that dead-liuing swaine, / Whom still he marked freshly to arize / From th'earth, & from her wombe new spirits to reprize.
To repeat or resume an action

The aging actress played the role she played in her youth, as if to reprise it.

puhekieltä To recompense; to pay.
time, instance

à plusieurs reprises

many times

champion à six reprises

six-time champion

puhekieltä second-half kick-off
puhekieltä repriseEnglish reprise
puhekieltä cover, cover version
puhekieltä repeat, rerun
(feminine singular past participle of)
rerun or re-airing of a TV program
(pt-verb form of)


reprise rimmaa näiden kanssa:

paise, mätäpaise, bavaroise

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