

  1. nokkeluus, huumori, sutkaus, herja, sanavalmius, leikinlasku, vitsailu, härnäys, kiusoittelu, leikittely, nenäkkyys, pään aukominen, suun soittaminen, pilailu.

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sanavalmius A swift, witty reply, especially one that is amusing.
1919, w:William Somerset Maugham|W. Somerset Maugham, (w), s:The Moon and Sixpence/Chapter XLI|chapter 41

A slight smile broke on his lips. ¶ "You are always prepared to sacrifice your principles for a repartee," he answered.
1851, (w), (w)
Yet habit—strange thing! what cannot habit accomplish?—Gayer sallies, more merry mirth, better jokes, and brighter repartees, you never heard over your mahogany(nb..)
A conversation marked by a series of witty retorts.
Skill in replying swiftly and wittily.
To reply with a Noun repartee
{{quote-book|year=1862|author=Various|section=Vol. 2 No 4|title=The Continental Monthly|chapter=|edition=|url=
To have a Noun repartee (conversation marked by repartees)
{{quote-book|year=1913|author=Gouverneur Morris|title=The Penalty|chapter=|edition=|url=


repartee rimmaa näiden kanssa:

tee, hopeatee, ruusunmarjatee, kukkatee, kamomillatee, vadelmatee, sitruunatee, patee, maksapatee, iltatee

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