


  1. ohjat, ohjakset

  2. en-monikko|r|ein


englanti (inflection of)
(en-third-person singular of)
puhekieltä The kidneys.
The lower part of the back.
puhekieltä The parts of a vault between the crown and the spring or abutment, including, and having especial reference to, the loading or filling behind the shell of the vault.
(nl-adj form of)
small of the back; waist
small of the back; lower back
ranska bride
saksa Zaumzeug, Zügel (f), Kandare (f), Zaum (m)
kreikka χαλινάρι
unkari kantár
italia briglia
latina frēnum
puola uzda (f), ogłowie, tranzelka (f)
romania frâu, hăț
venäjä узда́ (f), узде́чка (f)


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