

  1. tilastotiede|k=en regressio

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Liittyvät sanat: regression analysis



  1. täyskäännös, taantuminen, palautuminen, paluu, palaaminen, tilastollinen menetelmä, regressio, yksinkertainen regressio, lineaarinen regressio.

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taantuma An action of regressing, a return to a previous state.
1899: Thorstein Veblen, The Theory of the Leisure Class

Few of these groups or communities that are classed as "savage" show no traces of regression from a more advanced cultural stage.
An action of travelling back in time.
2001, Carol DeCuffa, In Search of Home: An Essential Guide for the Evolving Soul
I have done past life regressions on my own through self-hypnosis techniques that I learned in Brian Weiss's book Many Lives, Many Masters as well as with past life regression tapes.
puhekieltä A psychotherapeutic method whereby healing is facilitated by inducing the patient to act out behaviour typical of an earlier developmental stage.
puhekieltä An analytic method to measure the association of one or more independent variables with a dependent variable.
puhekieltä An equation using specified and associated data for two or more variables such that one variable can be estimated from the remaining variable(s).
puhekieltä The reappearance of a bug in a piece of software that had previously been fixed.
puhekieltä The diminishing of a cellular mass like a tumor, or of an organ size.
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